Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My First Mountain Bike

My first mountain bike was a purple fade Trek 830. I asked my parents to buy it for me for my birthday my Freshman year of College. I think it cost around $350.

The first ride I took it on was with this guy I was dating that wasn't at all 'my type.' We decided to ride our bikes around town. I remember trying to hop or jump a curb in an effort to get 'off-road'-- which was really just over to the grass -- because I had a mountain bike now. I totally jacked myself in the crotch. It hurt so bad. My female parts were throbbing in pain, not pleasure. Thankfully it passed rather quickly and I managed not to let the guy see what had happened, or so I remember.

My next ride on my new bike was with my friend Spinny. That was his nickname. He lived at the main party house and I have no recollection as to how we ended up going on a bike ride together. I think that he might have been dating my friend Katie.

Spinny and I ended up poaching some trails that went, what felt like, straight up. It should be noted that these events took place in Wisconsin. I realize that Wisconsin isn't mountainous or even well-known for having large hills. You will just have to trust me that this was in an area of the state where the glaciers came thru and cut many large hills. In the town where I went to school they were referred to as "bluffs."

I don't remember making it all that far in distance. I remember being out of breath and having a lot of fun. I learned that the ups led to the downs and that the downs were very fun. I also remember the large trees and the way the path (singletrack) weaved its way among them. It felt different from hiking among the trees. It was a rush. It was exhilarating! I liked it a lot.

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